Captain Sir Tom Moore DEAD (1 Viewer)

We really do need a Jilly version of this photo

Seeing this thread being bumped gives me palpitations, I need Heinous Hannah and Jubilant Jilly to remain perennial celebrities please and thank you.
Delighted to report that Jilly has got herself quoted on the Mail Online today, in a story full of poor brave Hannah's neighbours going on the record to gloat about the spa getting felled -

Neighbour Jilly Bozdogan, 70, said this morning: 'The tiles are coming off fast and furious. I am glad they are finally getting on with it. It has been a long drawn-out saga.

'My garden backs onto it and it is an eyesore. I have had to plant trees to try to block it out.'

Jilly doesn't like a fuss. And the only thing she wanted this year was the downfall of Hannah Ingram-Moore
Jilly would absolutely report Mopsy to NATO for POSTAL HARRASSMENT should we ever dare to send an unsolicited greeting card.

I do love her taking notes from Hannah, and spending all her time phoning national media outlets for her own malevolent intents.
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Captain Tom: What Happened Next?​


With the final demolition of the spa built by Captain Tom Moore's family, this documentary reveals one of the most shocking stories of recent times, unravelling what really happened to the money donated by the British public. The film examines if Captain Tom's legacy has been tarnished and whether this sorry saga is finally at an end.

Channel 5 this Sunday evening.

Here for JillyVision


:YesIHaveDone:"Neighbour Jilly Bozdogan said she was "pleased" that it was "going to come down".
She said: "I don't think it should ever have been put up in the first place. "Being neighbours they could have come and talked to us. I just think it's common courtesy."
It’s always the “common courtesy” aspect that Jilly types are campaigning to maintain. Otherwise there’d be no grumbling at all I’m sure….
Even now she's won Jilly is UNRELENTING

She's not going to rest until they demolish the house too


I do love that this whole sorry saga would likely have been avoided had evil Hannah just invited Jilly and the WI for the occasional free soak. Clearly all our glamorous guardian of planning laws was after.
Shall we go and pick over the ruins?

I can definitely see that ominous portrait of Tom hanging over your mantle @Lucille
Wait is Hannah genuinely now SKINT and selling off the family empire after the spa debacle?

Has Jubilant Jilly genuinely succeeded in ruining her life?! :disco:

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