Like beautiful robots dancing alone

Charity BEGINS AT HOME.The wicked Jilly has infiltrated the Charity Commission.
Hasn’t she suffered enough?!?!Surely this is a crime right?
Where DO all the guests come from? They can't ALL be former posters who stropped off, surely.
“I developed and delivered transformative strategy to increase bottom line profit”
She the sort to charge you for ten sessions upfront and then block you!I never want Hannah to leave us
Never have I wanted to afford a life coach more, but let's face it Hannah isn't the sort to let you get away with a one-time hour session. Once you're in, you'd better believe you're funding a holiday home in Monaco for LIFE
The thing is that grift DOES sell
The number of "Strategy Managers" and "Transformation Directors" my evil corporation has employed or contracted. Nobody ever sees them, hears from them, or has a clue what they're doing, and they're usually sacked off after a year. But they've taken home £300k in bonuses and settlements in the meantime.
Champagne at the spa all around!
Stupid job titles is one thing. But Hannah clearly likes to play nonsense corporate word scrabble. She definitely scored top marks for that post.
"I do things, and I've done stuff, I'll help you do better like I did, if you pay me money. Oh and I don't know why life coaches get a bad rep."