Doctor Who - 2023 and beyond (THE CHURCH ON RUBY ROAD, Christmas Day 5:55pm on BBC1!)

The figures are much lower than that for Doctor Who! The show was at its money-spinning apex with the first two series of Matt Smith, partly cause that's when it exploded in the US (as much as it ever did as it remained a cult show). It's been diminishing returns since.

But yeah there's one reason why they would have allowed this deal to go through, complicated as it is... And it's Disney money. The license fee alone cannot pay to keep the show going at a level where a drop in quality and quantity wouldn't be noticeable.
Is the new Bad Wolf co-production deal not designed to help with that too? As it means they now have access to money from outside the BBC, so theoretically the budgets can be bigger?
It's Neil Patrick Harris, who appears to be the villain (or one of them) of these episodes. The fan rumours seem to have settled on him being
the Celestial Toymaker
, but 'Who Knows' :tongueout:
Ah gotcha, I wasn't sure if they were trying for some kind of almost lookalike

hmm interesting. I did watch the Hartnell run and enjoyed this character, he seems quite niche though.

Speaking of lookalikes I remember almost thinking he was played by Michael Buerk (not quite it was Michael Gough)
He's going to be so good :disco:

I'm not expecting it based on his line in the trailer, but I'd love it if he kept a bit of his Scottish accent when playing the Doctor. The way he says the word TARDIS in this video is so cute :scotland:
This is so sweet 😭

Apparently Jodie wasn't filming that day but made sure she was around because she wanted to meet everyone :D
Still agog that William Russell is NINETY-SEVEN, I know it makes sense when you think about it for more than a second but I assumed he was mid-eighties from his short scene in the episode.
Filming will be starting soon, right? So I'm expecting a COSTUME REVEAL at some point in the next couple of weeks :disco:
Companion auditions also seem to confirm that Yasmin Finney won't be staying on after the specials (as the main companion at least), which was being rumoured.
And in non-Who RTD news -

There was talk about him trying to woo Kate onto Who back around series 4, to play River Song. In hindsight I'm glad that didn't happen (there's no way she'd have kept coming back like Alex Kingston did so we'd have missed out on the whole arc Moffat did with the character), but I'd love her to pop up in the new series at some point :disco:
Dark Season was great but I always preferred Century Falls - how about a revival of that too, Russ? I mean I wouldn't put it past him at this point :tongueout:
Ok guys I’m planning to finally catch up with Who - I had thought of a few approaches, what do you think?

1) missing episodes only: Capaldi’s final special & Jodie seasons

2) Capaldi & Jodie

3) Matt, Capaldi, Jodie

I’ve rewatched the first 4 comeback seasons enough, but Matt was the last time I was really into it. Capaldi’s seasons were a bit too convoluted but I know that now (and I want to see Missy again)

But maybe I don’t need all that lore and I should just catch up with the new stuff
If you have the time do them all. The quality definitely dropped around Matt but they’re still all worth watching. I struggled through Capaldi but have enjoyed Jodi.
The Matt series are probably my favourites of them all! I found Capaldi difficult to get through bar a few very good episodes, and Jodie was good after her first series
I’m leaning towards just the Capaldi Xmas for Xmas, and the Jodie years for new year tbh

I will rewatch it all again one day
The Capaldi era was so weird, it veered all over the place - I really don't think they knew what to do with him at first and leaned too hard into him being unlikeable and Malcolm Tucker-esque, then they overcorrected a BIT too much, then his final season was a really nice balance but I think some people had already been turned off by that point. I do still think he's the best actor to play the part though, he could elevate a dodgy script like nobody else.
I count Jackie Tyler QoL as a companion too, so her near the top of the list of course :disco:
Actually Martha and Donna had great mums too - the post-RTD eras just didn't have the focus on mums right, if we're honest.
For Capaldi I'd recommend just doing the episodes featuring Michelle Gomez as Missy - and then his final series, with Bill. I thought that worked as a nice soft reboot of the show, with a wide-eyed new fun companion coming in fresh, after Clara overstayed her welcome by at least one convoluted series.

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