Emma Bunton - My Happy Place (4th Studio Album) (1 Viewer)

If this means she performs something other than Maybe on the SG tour I will SCREAM.
Crickets Sing For AnaMaria is the most HIDEOUS song I have ever had the misfortune of hearing.
All I Need To Know appreciation thread now :disco:
This is actually alright

I’m sure it’s a shoe in for best Spice Girl solo single of the decade :D
This is actually alright

I’m sure it’s a shoe in for best Spice Girl solo single of the decade :D
That would actually be Menly’s ‘Anymore’ I think you’ll find.

Is this number 37 on the Twitter not yet trending but might trend someday chart #hit yet?
This is actually a pretty good song. I won't watch the video because I know it will put me off.
It's ok in an Evans commercial soundtrack way (I can imagine her place in the video being taken by middle-aged mums in formless hessian sacks), but Angles in Chains is one of the funniest songs of the decade and a great way to remember Geri Halliwell's dead acquaintance George Michael.
Not bad at all.

Not sold on the album though. And this is from someone who genuinely enjoys all three of her other efforts.
PLEASE let us know when the album leaks.

juts cause I need to find out if she has MASSACRED 2 Become 1 by turning it into one of Robbie's big band/swing pastiches and I swear I'll hunt her DOWN

Just watch all the Spice Girls loons buy 5 copies of this each. And then slag it off the next minute.
interesting that I thought 'Don't Call Me Baby' would have made an excellent and inspired Geru solo track at the time, and I think the vocals are similar. Not as similar as DB Boulevard, but still
Bloody cassettes again! Spice Girls were surely more of the Discman generation than the Walkman? Although they did always do cassette singles, now I think about it. I even have a few of them...
It's a cracking scam really, adding cassettes to bundles for only a little extra because it's still 2 sales.
I don’t even think I have a MEANS to play cassette now do I?
I can’t help but feel that’s an awful waste of plastic on those cassettes
Emma's already chucked out the other new song. No hanging about, it almost like she has something else coming up.

Very pleasant if predictable. I think I like it better than the single on first listen actually.

I reckon Mel B is the most vindictive of the bunch. She probably has a voodoo doll for each other bitches.

Victoria all will be the one who gives a shit the least .
Now, possibly. Back when she was flogging A Mind of Its Own she was as desperate as a street urchin is for SPICE like the rest of them.
I’m yet to see any evidence that they don’t all hate their OWN solo careers.

All of them have countless examples of self-sabotage. Except Victoria, who saw fit to PULL THE PLUG at the earliest opportunity.

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