Did that start yesterday? I'm surprised there hasn't been more hype, unless I've somehow avoided it.
RIP Whitney
But this clip and her time on the X-Factor was golden. The 'CAME IN THE DOOR' and 'It's all mine (money)' are absolute highlights of her stint on the show.
Not exacty reality tv but still trash tv, so I have to post this
is this even cooking? She just made a burger and put it between doughnuts!
A legendNot to make this all about Big Brother but I loved desperate PENNY.
The fact that was a school teacher and flashed her cunt on the country's most watched show (at the time) - the ICONIC behavior truly jumped out.
OMG, Channel 5 have actually commissioned a one hour show about the dangers of actual dog shit (and they are showing it right now)! I do not know if I’d call it my favourite reality TV moment but it’s certainly the most surreal!
I'd prefer not to think about that possibilityI'd like to see 'Lu' do Sugar Walls or Strut