haven't played the remix YET but here's a lovely reflective EOY message from Melanie
This time last year I was preparing to do my last show with Sink the Pink in Brisbane and starting a promo trip around Australia for my upcoming album. Little did I know how drastically our world was about to change… When we arrived in Australia there were rumblings of the dreaded “C” word spreading in Europe.
The show went amazingly well and there was no sense of what was to come. After the show I did lots of promo in Melbourne and Sydney, traveling between the two. It was only my very last radio interview, at in Sydney, that was cancelled due to somebody at the station testing positive. After Australia we were heading to LA for what was looking like an epic trip of promo and DJ gigs, from LA, on to NYC and then to Montreal.
The long flight was weird, as everything was starting to close down due to the virus. When we arrived in LA the atmosphere was strange. Everything was slowly getting pulled and the trip was looking less and less worthwhile. On top of this the weather was like London - grey and raining. It was quite surreal in LA, cold and so quiet. Finally The James Corden show was pulled and after arriving on a Friday we booked our flights back to London on the Sunday.
It was hard to get my head around leaving LA and having to think of a new plan to promote album. The absolute high point was releasing the “Who I Am” video and watching the amazing reaction online. We arrived in London and went straight into lockdown. I discussed with my team whether it would be possible to delay the release of the album but by this point the wheels were in motion, so we just had to go for it. There were no rules anymore, no tried and tested way of doing things, so we set to work and did as much as we could to keep everyone engaged and having fun.
Personal highlights of lockdown for me were the weekly Q&As, the #athome "Who I Am" video and some of the lovely online chats I had, making new friends. Rina Sawaymama stands out, as I am now a huge fan of hers #GirlPower. In early 2020 we had made the decision to shoot two videos at once, which proved quite lucky with the situation unfolding. This meant we were able to release a proper video for “Blame it On Me" in the middle of lockdown and it went down a treat!
As soon as lockdown in the UK drew to a close, we made another video, this time for “In and Out of Love”. I decided to trust my amazingly talented stylist Graham Cruz to direct his first ever video and he did an AMAZING job.
I had so much fun with all the dancing and outfits. It’s the first time in many years I’d done proper choreography in a video and I loved it! Soon after that “Melanie C” was released and my heart was bursting with pride. To hear all the amazing reactions from fans and critics alike was a wonderful thrill. This album means so much to me and signifies what I feel is like a kind of re-birth. I feel like I’m entering into a really special, exciting and fulfilling period of my career, so to receive so much love for the album was verification of that.
Thank you all so, so much for your support. I really have the bit between my teeth now and am determined to keep releasing music, as much as I can, and keeping busy doing all the exciting things that my career allows me to do. We’ve all had such a crazy, unprecedented and challenging year. No one could have predicted what we’ve all been through in the last 12 months. I’m sure that soon enough next year, we will all be back to doing and enjoying what we love, seeing family, friends and loved ones, and getting our lives back to where they should be.
Stay strong and safe, fingers crossed we’re nearly through this crazy time.
All my love :emoji_heart: