Moopyvision 2010-2019: Round 1: Sweden, UK & San Marino - RESULTS (1 Viewer)


Take it or leave it
Feb 3, 2004
The Cinema
This may die a death, but let's give it a whirl. We're coming to the end of another Eurovision decade, so it seems like a good time to take stock and re-evaluate our favourite hits of the era.

Let's start with three notables to get the ball rolling:


After a shaky start to the decade, Sweden quickly entered something of an imperial phase, scoring an impressive 8/10 top ten placings since 2010, including two big victories. In recent years they've struggled with the televote, but their ear for slick, modern dance-pop continues to serve them well with the judges.

2010: Anna Bergendahl - This Is My Life
2011: Eric Saade - Popular
2012: Loreen - Euphoria
2013: Robin Stjernberg - You
2014: Sanna Nielsen - Undo
2015: Måns Zelmerlöw - Heroes
2016: Frans - If I Were Sorry
2017: Robin Bengtsson - I Can't Go On
2018: Benjamin Ingrosso - Dance You Off
2019: John Lundvik - Too Late For Love

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United Kingdom


In stark contrast to Sweden's good fortunes, the UK also started this decade at an all-time low, but failed to make much improvement. Zero top tens, a sole year on the left-hand side of the leaderboard and a humiliating 6/10 bottom 3 placements. The worst thing is, we deserved little better...

2010: Josh DuBovie - That Sounds Good To Me
2011: Blue - I Can
2012: Engelbert Humperdinck - Love Will Set You Free
2013: Bonnie Tyler - Believe In Me
2014: Molly - Children of the Universe
2015: Electro Velvet - Still In Love With You
2016: Joe & Jake - You're Not Alone
2017: Lucie Jones - Never Give Up On You
2018: SuRie - Storms
2019: Michael Rice - Bigger Than Us

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San Marino


Eurovision's lovable troll nation. What the tiny microstate of San Marino lacks in money or local talent, they make up for in utter crap. This decade saw four appearences from ageless desperado Valentina Monetta, two from sexy Serhat and a pinch of additional ringers with more money than sense. Never change San Marino, never change...

2011: Senit - Stand By
2012: Valentina Monetta - The Social Network Song
2013: Valentina Monetta - Crisalide (Vola)
2014: Valentina Monetta - Maybe
2015: Michele Perniola & Anita Simonchini - Chain of Lights
2016: Serhat - I Didn't Know
2017: Valentina Monetta & Jimmy Wilson - Spirit Of The Night
2018: Jessika ft. Jenifer Brening - Who We Are
2019: Serhat - Say Na Na Na

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Please PM all votes to me in the formats provided by 12.00 noon Sunday 5th January. Results will follow shortly thereafter.
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Indie is looking into the embedding issue, but here's the ones that didn't embed for now.


United Kingdom

San Marino

Ha! I'd just come on Moopy tonight to launch a similar competition (although mine was much less adventurous in size).
I was actually shocked by how far I got through my ranking of the Swedish entries before I found one I actually liked.

I love them all except for Anna and Robin. And those two are better than most of what the UK and San Marino have to offer unfortunately.
It's still one of the most genuinely mortifying things I've ever witnessed in my life.
I support your efforts but I am NOT watching all that shit in order to have a sensible opinion at this stage. I may check back in when it gets to be time for the final.
More votes please. It’s the Sunday between Christmas and New Year’s. You will never have more time on your hands.

Just a question for potential floating voters. Is three countries per round too many? I presume most posters who even casually follow the Contest will remember the majority of the Swedish and UK entries without much prompting, but that may not be the case when we get down to your Lithuanias and Macedonias...

Obviously I’m going go try to keep the rounds balanced between memorable countries and ones that might be a bit of a slog, but I could also cut it down to two countries per round if that’s easier? The downside is we’d have this running for about six months rather than being wrapped up in mid-March...
In the case of San Marino I need to relisten to them all to be fair, and I just haven't fancied it yet.

One of the things which may put me off is that in this batch it's only San Marino I need to do that for, whereas going forward I may have to do that for every country in the batch. I can only think of two or three countries other than the UK and Sweden where I can confidently say I remember all their entries over the last decade without reminding myself.
I think the issue will be that people need to rank every single song. In general it's easy to remember your top (say) three from each country, but needing to choose an order from lots of meh songs that you haven't given a second thought to in six years takes a bit of effort.

Maybe instead of insisting on 12/10/8 etc. all the way to zero, you just give people the option of just giving points to whatever number of songs they care about, and leave out the rest?
I don’t like the sound of cutting it down to only two countries per week as I think it would be going on too long, but then I’m probably not the type of fan the question is aimed at. Ten countries per week I say :D

Voting for a top 5 of each country sounds like a fair solution
I disagree. I think the point is to make people remember songs. Having to rank all 10 will force people to listen to them when they could just vote for the ones they remember and not bother listening. If you can’t be bothered to listen to the 10 songs then don’t vote for that country!
I think that in general if someone doesn't remember a song, it probably won't rank as one of their favourites after doing their research anyway.
How about people have the option of a full vote or a top 3, but if you just do a top 3, all the non-ranked songs score 2 points apiece?
I disagree. I think the point is to make people remember songs. Having to rank all 10 will force people to listen to them when they could just vote for the ones they remember and not bother listening. If you can’t be bothered to listen to the 10 songs then don’t vote for that country!

Or it will 'force' people not to vote at all.
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I disagree. I think the point is to make people remember songs. Having to rank all 10 will force people to listen to them when they could just vote for the ones they remember and not bother listening. If you can’t be bothered to listen to the 10 songs then don’t vote for that country!
They won't vote then, Kala, many moopsters are not hardcore eurofans. And the point of this is not to make people remember songs, is to make people vote :D
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OK, I reckon for future rounds I’ll give people the option of either giving a full vote or just ranking their top 5s. Those that vote in full will therefore have a touch more influence on the full ranking, but not enough that abridged voting isn’t worth it.

Sound fair?
I think that's a good idea as well. And I assume I can do either depending on the country and that's fine?
I don’t agree with this at all. But whatever.

There's no perfect solution but I'd rather have more participants than fewer. I imagine the majority will give a full vote, but I don't want to exclude people who aren't as hardcore and/or don't have as much time.

Anyway, VOTE!
Not to cause you any annoyance but wanted to say that I disagree too really - I’d rather have the votes from a smaller number of people that know and have done their research than dilute it. People can take the time to rewatch if they want to vote, let’s not dumb it down!
The other way round this is to not do the votes Eurovision style but to give the scores out of 10, and give each song you don't know a ?? which then is not counted towards their average. It's not ideal either but it's fairer than allowing people to submit half a vote.

If we are going to allow incomplete voting Eurovision style their votes should start from 1 point for the bottom and work up, not 12 points and work down.
Nobody's used the half-voting method yet. Let's see how much uptake there is and I'll figure out a way around it. I'd really rather not lose the Eurovision style voting entirely, TBH.

In my head I felt like it would sort of loosely equate to a jury/televote split. The hardcore fans deliver a complete vote and the more casual viewers just throw points to their favourites. :D
I'm doing this now. I can't remember a damn one of those San Marino songs from first glance except Serhat but I'm still doing a full vote. Not like it takes long for a quick listen!

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