Podcast Recommendations (1 Viewer)


May 2, 2004
I'm running a bit low on things to listen to at the minute

Anything you've been enjoying lately?
Recently listened to HOAXED which was infuriating but interesting.
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I only listen to History and News podcasts, so I doubt you'll be interested :)
I’ve been digging deep in the archives of Blank Check, a deep dive into directors’ filmographies.

Also I guess you know about The Allusionist? About the origins of different types of language in a wry female QI-ish tone
I've been loving Acceptable In the 80s but it would likely be lost on anyone not of the right age group. I'm the same age as the 2 hosts so it's a perfect match for me - hazy childhood memories that chime with my own.
It's very sweary which would be expected when one of the hosts is Kunt but there's also a warmth and fondness to it that makes it work.
I listened to this recently, heartbreaking, just so much love for his parents though;

Kill James Bond

Three podcasters dissect the Bond films from a trans, feminist, leftist anti-imperialist viewpoint. I'm not nearly as left as they are but I do still find them hilarious and even when I disagree they are usually insightful. Plus it's just a fun podcast whether you have the Bond films memorised (like me) or have never even seen one.
I don't know if it's been mentioned but I've gotten so into Pop Pantheon. The host takes an artist, gets a guest who is a fan of them on, and they delve into their career, assess them and eventually place them somewhere in the pop pantheon in accordance to the criteria. Pop and stats.
I don't know if it's been mentioned but I've gotten so into Pop Pantheon. The host takes an artist, gets a guest who is a fan of them on, and they delve into their career, assess them and eventually place them somewhere in the pop pantheon in accordance to the criteria. Pop and stats.

Is that not just dUb’s podcast
This was a really good listen, looking back at reality TV, speaking to people involved in the creation of the shows and discussing how they would be viewed morally and ethically in 2022 .

I’d never heard of Something About Myriam before and just gobsmacked they did it
Oh you should listen to this, it goes into great detail on what happened on that show!

This was a really good listen, looking back at reality TV, speaking to people involved in the creation of the shows and discussing how they would be viewed morally and ethically in 2022 .

I’d never heard of Something About Myriam before and just gobsmacked they did it

Been listening to this and loving it!
Oh you should listen to this, it goes into great detail on what happened on that show!

So I listened to this and so much omg :( I remember the show but had no idea she had died. And the fact is it was possible under suspect circumstances was a bit heartbreaking.
Pop Pantheon has reached Madonna.

They're on Part III. Guys I really think you'd all love it.

Also, I tried Unexplained for the first time last night. New obsession.
Also, there's a great (but not currently running) girlband deep dive podcast called Pod of the Pops. They covered Spice Girls and Sugababes.
Did you listen to the first series of Chameleon? About the 'Hollywood Con Queen'??
The Murdaugh Murders Podcast is really good. It initially started in 2021 as a look into this rich powerful family and some shady murders that happened, but it’s been ongoing ever since because they’ve uncovered so much stuff :D

Think Netflix is doing a documentary on them next month too.
Oooh no not yet, I'll look it up! Need something to listen to in-between TGPL :angel:
It's fantastic! Crime without being too grubby too. But absolutely fascinating, I thought
I’m basic but I’m enjoying Off Menu having never really ventured in to podcasts before. I think I just like people talking about food
I had a period of focusing mostly on audiobooks, but I'm back on podcasts now. Perfect for driving which I do hours of each week.

Time With Mr Reed was brilliant, but it's terribly meandering and ultimately goes nowhere. He's a brilliant story teller though.

I've been dipping in and out Of The News Agents. Emily and Jon are great, but Lewis can be a bit of a smug bore. I gave up on Red Box and Oh God What Now. Campbell and Steward on The Rest Is Politics is excellent, though I don't hugely look forward to listening to it.

A Journey Through SAW I look forward to every time a new one is released. I'm on their supporter programme too, as their show is just so good.

Little Gold Men is the perfect awards season podcast, most of the others I can only take in small doses. I like the Indie Wire one where Eric and Anne just bicker most of the time, but it has an arthouse bent that I enjoy.
I've been listening to 'Red handed' recently and loving it. Lots of true crime cases. Today I listen to the Jeffrey Epstein one :zombie:
Current recommendation:

Two lovable Irish girls deep diving into famous celebrity relationships care of the request of a different guest every episode. The latest one on Kerry Katona and Bryan McFadden was brilliant. I’ve listened to a few different ones and they’re really very funny.
Can anyone recommend any podcast apps? I’ve been using Google Podcasts but it’s shit and closing down, and I don’t really like using Spotify for it
There are two books in the series and a third ‘coming soon’ and now there’s a new-ish podcast

Probably one for the older crowd (myself included) it’s all about the horrors of growing up in the 70s and 80s and things on tv, cinema, books etc that scarred you for life. Think Threads, Public Information Films, Dr Who….

Been listening to this and it’s great. Spring boards from that TikTok woman who claimed her AirBnB guests were suing her for being disabled last year, before spiralling out into more insanity.

currently listening to this

Amy Poehler plays a therapist with various guests (mostly ex-SNL stars including Ana Gasteyer, Tina Fey etc). it's improvised and quite funny :disco:

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