Post an entry that demanded "you WILL vote for this!" (1 Viewer)

Everything about this has a gloriously desperate air of 'Europ please to make vote at us'

POINT OF ORDER: there is a DISTINCT difference between "please vote for us Europe please please" and "you WILL vote for this :hitler:"
The blonde piece in the back clearly wouldn't think twice about glassing a cunt for not voting for them, so I'd say this covers both bases.
Oh please - it's totally GIMLET-EYED Bengtzing lookalike Dorkas that has NO COMPUNCTION around getting violent if the votes aren't on hand (/if blonde Melanie doesn't get the armography right) :disco:

As potentially OUR SILV'S top fan during the time, I haven't thought about her for a while, so thought I'd pop onto Wikipedia and see what I could find out about any recent action. THIS passed me by at the time, but :D :

Silvia also claimed the only reason Carola qualified for the final was that she had sex with the head of the EBU in a car before the competition.
I howl every time I remember the anecdote of Krassimir's house being stormed in a police sting and him shrieking "how can you attempt to arrest me?! It is I, Krassimir Avramov, THE VOICE!" :D
If in doubt raise your voice, or better still, YELL
Speaking of 2006, this clearly ATTEMPTED "you will vote for this" but failed hideously, of course.


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