The Real Housewives of Cheshire (1 Viewer)

It ended I believe. I forgot about Nicole, she’s probably the least relevant one despite trying her best to annoy everyone.
When I tell you I gay gasped at this:



Back May 10th and they’ve replaced Dawn Ward with...another Nicole? :eyes:

Must say my expectations are in the gutter.
Apparently the new one is a PSYCHIC! Because they always work out SO WELL on Housewives shows :D


Quite why this show has gone for ANOTHER NEWBIE when the only current Housewives worth watching are Lauren & Tanya (plus Lystra too but that doesn't really fit my narrative) when Ampika is RIGHT THERE forced to sell intimate images on OnlyFans I will NEVER KNOW!
I love Cheshire but there's some serious DEAD WOOD in the cast now
Dawn is gone? I hope she has her own tasteless solo gig planned then.
She would have been a good BAD GIRLS character actually!
Well I hope she struts into the canteen to complete silence before announcing "people want to be me - I *am* me" :)

Is this for hitting Sinitta or something?

No, hitting another black person this time! This time with racially aggravated assault AND possession of Class As.
Good grief. I hope Mugali is ok.

Seriously though, that sounds beyond grubby, even for her.
The cheek of Nicole stealing her tagline from Kameron Westcott! :D

I haven't watched the Cheshire opener for this series yet. I am kind of nonplussed really about this season,with no WARDY. Is it worth watching?
Ugh. I just got excited thinking all the eps were back on sky-ITVbe (or whatever the basic package I have is called), but no, we have eps 1, 3 and 9, because of course.
Av got a wonderful life. Am gobbeh. Am full on. Al always say what a think. You're not gonna change a leopard's spots.
When you cross me... You better don't cross me. Don't mess with Mugali.

It's like something out the Bible.

I am thinking this will be the first Season since it started that I probably won't even DIP in and DIP out of. I just don't like this current cast as a whole.

I think I'll invest in Jersey S2 for my UK fix.
Yeah I'm out as well, not because of Wardeh but because the last few seasons have been shite. Dreary Seema still there despite no hint of a single storyline since she joined. Lauren and Tanya the only half decent cast members but not enough to entice me back.
It was a very boring premiere episode and from the season trailer it doesn't look like we're going to get much other than Lystra vs Lauren again and some drama about chucking a crystal ball :eyes:
Seema is blatantly only still on the cast because it saves them hiring WARDROBE.
At this stage they should bring back Peeka-Boo to have a breakdown running around slurring 'Our Marrrk'
'I want another baby Marrrrrrrrrk'

Now an Ampika return I would be here for. If only to see her dragging Nick and Royston all over Cheshire again.
Can't believe we've still got to suffer Nick and Royston! I thought they'd be the only upside of WARDEH leaving!
Are they in the new season? Surely apart from Wardeh they have no connection with the other cast members? Even Wardeh BF Rachel barely tolerates them.
They were in the trailer getting out of a helicopter. I think they're friends with Lystra :(
Yeah they are friends with Lystra. They introduced her to the show!
Why is Rachel a. still on the show and b. VIBRATING like a lunatic in her tagline VT :D

Keep Lauren, Lystra and maybe Tanya, bring back Ampika and Magali and BIN THE REST. It's like they are just collecting Housewives at this point.

(I didn't watch last season so if the psychic is good too then keep her also :D)

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