The Real Housewives of Cheshire (1 Viewer)

So for some UNKNOWN reason I started watching the latest season of this and...christ almighty :D
Brain fluff doesn't even begin to describe it. It's so heavily scripted you can see the women just taking pointers from production about what to say and discuss on camera - I'm not sure they'd even dare to be even slightly spontaneous these days :D
It doesn't help that all the confessionals are there to just signpost whatever is about to happen:

Housewife in confessional: I've been INVITED to a PARTY by another Housewife, but I'm not sure WHERE WE STAND
Next scene: Housewife at party, asking the other Housewife "WHERE DO WE STAND AS FRIENDS" etc

Never has a cast needed to be CULLED so badly :D Who cast the psychic who is more head-teacher than Housewife?? :D
Almost completely up to date. Hanna surely must be having producers tell her what to say and do, otherwise she's such a bland stirrer and Nicole is equally insufferable. It's not the actual Leanne who Rachel is fighting with is it? The new faces of Royston and Valley were so extreme it had to be on purpose.
I had to give the last season a miss, first one I have missed since the start, as the cast is just so CRAP, may give the next one a go depending.
Okay, not up to date. I'm on episode 3. Tanya's mum suddenly becoming Hyacinth Bucket all the while looking like an extreme makeover Janette Crankie is the only interesting sub-plot so far. Or perhaps more info on the Mrs Boyzone brief split.

I'll need to google Dawn's legal woes to see if she'll ever be back or has any other TV gigs lined up as she was always the main draw.
I just do not understand why anyone would want to box, even for charity. Hitting someone outside of self defence I think I'd feel too guilty about it all (and equally distressed at someone doing it back).

Totally here for all the shots of the guys training though.
Nicole butting into Lystra's speech contradicts her feelings about Hanna announcing her pregnancy at her vow renewals. This would be another example of producer meddling that just doesn't add up if so.
I thank Debs for reminding me of the Cristina song Deb Behind Bars, but otherwise see no point of her on the show. And if it's entirely said of their own accord, coming up against someone telling her their faith doesn't match with her sorcery seems rather unkind.
Now that I've reached the franchise nadir, I feel I'm ready to tackle one of the American strands. Basically whatever one is available on my Sky package :D
The only city to have a castle in the middle? Umm, Cardif (+ Charlotte Church busking outside, allegedly).
Gosh, you really see how tiny Edinburgh is if you're just sticking to what's near Princes St.
I think they'd have a better time shopping in Glasgow. Just ask Jane McDonald.
Oh not the old deep fried Mars bar. I had a bite of a snickers one about 12 years ago if memory serves.
Sharing that you might be pregnant and taking a test, all without your partner knowing, how tacky. Gillian McKeith prodding their stools will be next.
I hope Debbie doesn't read tabloid newspapers - she is so reactionary for no reason.
Oh she actually is pregnant. I'd be in shock too if I did that for the cameras.
I'm not sure how many times I've been pregnant, but I'd do the 3 months wait thing before blurting.
I am 16 months younger than my much older sister. It seems fairly common for people around my age to have siblings with similar age gaps. I know if I passed a water melon through my vagina I'd get the 2nd out the way asap to get the stitches after asap and then shut that down for business.
I'm not familiar with Seema's back catalogue, but that tartan ensemble was rank.
Please don't tell me they're going to be wearing Seema's tartan range for this Highland Games segment.
Cognitive dissonance or producers saying "can you please have a rami ladies: about nothing preferably". This argument is like a really dry French and Saunders parody.
Debbie is just strange. I hope she isn't a keeper for next series.
Well Seema doesn't have an alterior motive for the games to go ahead all the while in her new range. Not at all.
The look of supressed disgust on that bagpiper as Lauren sprayed the champagne everywhere.
I keep thinking Hanna's husband's left eye is going to come rolling across a table like Debbie's crystal ball. You'd think being "king of aesthetics" he'd have a procedure at his clinic for that.
I certainly never thought I'd be so pleased to see Leanne back. Mugali really is overdue a comeback.


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So this show is actively pushing for the girls to gossip and take the huff over a woman pregnant at only 6 weeks. That is quite something.
Started episode 10. 2 more to go and the reunion. Brian had better have a ridiculous new face to make it worth it.
Hanna is gaslighting the viewers let alone Seema. She took the test in front of the cameras, she swore at Seema via text and she called Seema (despite at one point saying it was the other way around), and it was Nicole who said she got sent abusive texts not Seema. At least be consistent. Honestly, can't we just look at Tanya's husband's chest for 45 minutes instead?
Well that was about 5 attempts from falling asleep to get through the finale/reunion. I think I can live with the bits I kept missing. Brian has no authority as an interviewer and this is really the time where those arguing should be held to task a bit more to cut through all the head in sand neck snapping etc. The cast next season really will be make or break - that Seema is my favourite of those on the couch is not exactly must-watch.
Obviously the main case is awful, and this extra detail makes this entire grotty affair even more FOUL -

"The mother-of-four is also accused of having a packet of cocaine in her handbag when she was arrested, but has placed the blame for the drugs on her housekeeper"

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