The Traitors (UK) S03E10 (1 Viewer)

Doing it for the men are you Freddie
Yes, give it to them hard, Freddie

That was just a sensational episode. One of the best ever.

The slowed down cover of Hall & Oates' Maneater while Charlotte DEVOURED POOR SWEET FREDDIE WHOLE was just the cherry on top
There’s no real benefit to there being multiple traitors at the end is there?

The faithful will just be expecting to get a few out anyway?
I'd say there could be a twist in which Freddie stops being gormless and finds his voice in the turret, but no, he is just too gullible as far as Charlotte is concerned.

It is gutting that we aren't getting a Jake murder though and have to put up with him and Leanne getting through to the end.
I'd say there could be a twist in which Freddie stops being gormless and finds his voice in the turret, but no, he is just too gullible as far as Charlotte is concerned.

It is gutting that we aren't getting a Jake murder though and have to put up with him and Leanne getting through to the end.
I'm not sure if he's capable of doing it, but if he cottons on quickly to Charlotte setting him up at breakfast, he could get Francesca & Alexander on board to get rid of her.
I’d be really pissed off if I had to recruit at this late stage, especially as there are so many ways this could go wrong for her. Freddie will surely realise he’s been set up minutes into breakfast.

That said, I suppose she’s only in this situation because she binned off Minah in the first place.
And now he has to stand up and tell everyone he's a traitor after spending the last few episodes being a mardy little bitch every time his name was brought up :disco:
He actually doesn’t unless he gets through to the endgame.
I’d be really pissed off if I had to recruit at this late stage, especially as there are so many ways this could go wrong for her. Freddie will surely realise he’s been set up minutes into breakfast.

That said, I suppose she’s only in this situation because she binned off Minah in the first place.
I wonder if she thought she’d just have a clear run on her own now.
If they bin him off at tomorrow's banishment, which Charlotte kind of needs to do to prevent him throwing her under the bus in the endgame, then he still has to reveal, doesn't he?

Oh yes, I forgot that
I stan Charlotte now. Queen of not Wales!

She should be wary though. Politics students with vocal fry are famously the most evil people known to man so Freddie could have a trick up his sleeve.
I’d be really pissed off if I had to recruit at this late stage, especially as there are so many ways this could go wrong for her. Freddie will surely realise he’s been set up minutes into breakfast.

That said, I suppose she’s only in this situation because she binned off Minah in the first place.

I think the players are almost certainly given the rules in advance and know that when a traitor is down to 1 they have to do a forced recruit. But yeah must be annoying. I think Charlotte is right to pick someone who has a lot of suspicion on them already.

Like I said in a previous thread, it does mean that the first 10 episodes are kinda pointless for the faithfuls. They could keep getting traitors out every single round table and still lose because the traitors just recruit a new one AND murder when they are down to one traitor anyway.

In Mafia/Werewolf the faithfuls would get to win by taking out loads of Werewolves, but in this they just end up back at square one every time .
I think the players are almost certainly given the rules in advance and know that when a traitor is down to 1 they have to do a forced recruit.

Like I said in a previous thread, it does mean that the first 10 episodes are kinda pointless for the faithfuls. They could keep getting traitors out every single round table and still lose because the traitors just recruit a new one AND murder when they are down to one traitor anyway.

In Mafia/Werewolf the faithfuls would get to win by taking out loads of Werewolves, but in this they just end up back at square one every time .
I think they do know that on paper, but whatever they remember that after x amount of weeks, and constant pressure of cameras being on you 24/7, is another thing.

We have to remember these are "normal" people. Not game show/psychology obsessives.

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