Valentine's Wednesday

My mother is with Virgin Media. She told me at the weekend that she wants to change provider as she's nearly at the end of her promo rate.

I told her she's on her own doing it and wished her well.
I'm one of the lucky eighteen houses having a powercut, weirdly all the houses are not together. The middle four on my row of nine are off, but either side of us four and the rest of the street still have power. Then half of the next street down is off too it looks like. My next-door neighbour still has his lights on, wonder if he'll let me run a few extension leads through his letterbox.
I had to wait an hour on hold to HMRC yesterday just for them to tell me COMPLETELY THE WRONG THING about a payroll query I had and so I had to ring back again and do the same thing for another HOUR.

I was practically ready to kill someone by the end.
If it's just a general query about payroll or filing or whatnot you can always ask me, might be able to save you a call.
I'm extremely single as per usual but I did get to see a 25th anniversary showing of '10 Things I Hate About You' allowing me to momentarily pretend it was 1999 and i was 17 again so all good. :)
If it's just a general query about payroll or filing or whatnot you can always ask me, might be able to save you a call.

You did cross my mind, actually, but I thought you might just be VAT/ tax.

But thank you- it’s sorted now but that would have been super useful.

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