The OFFICIAL Victoria Beckham topic (1 Viewer)


Target Announces Spring Collaboration with Victoria Beckham

October 20, 2016
The secret’s out: Target just announced our next design partner, and it’s none other than internationally-known businesswoman, fashion designer and mother of four, Victoria Beckham.

Victoria Beckham for Target includes more than 200 items for women and kids, marking the designer’s first foray into designing childrenswear, something that Target just so happens to excel in. The collection reflects the essence of the Victoria, Victoria Beckham line, with easy-to-wear dresses, rompers and playful tops and bottoms for women, and corresponding styles for girls, toddler and baby.

While you’ll have to wait a little longer to see the full collection, we caught up with Victoria about designing the new line and collaborating with Target. Read on to learn more:

I hope POP! is already on pre-orders, I know I am :disco:
The eleven year old son of Victoria and David (Beckham, not Coren-Mitchell) is releasing his debut single for Winterval tomorrow. I hope he has his father's voice.

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Why has this been dead for so long? It's an outrage. Our queen deserves constant adoring coverage.

Actually I'm not quite sure what's WRONG with Victoria Addams right now but she's been smiling and even LAUGHING all over her Insta story today from backstage at fashion week.

Here she is ironing in heels and charmingly playing the proletariat.

That reminds me, I must bag up that chicken carcass and make some stock.
That reminds me, I need to find out if I put decaying monkey skeletons out in my blue box, or in with the food waste
IOU could have been a good song with the right production, the Bjork-lite minimalist casio instrumentation hasn't aged well and the less said about the cheesy-cringey back up singers the BETTER; plus I hated the live performances because she had adopted at that point an annoying whiny singing voice and audibly GASPED after each sentence, it was most irritating.
i keep telling people i've just met i have a very dry humour. like victoria beckham. no one has gotten it yet but i've gotten quite a few baffled looks *.*
I keep telling people I've just met that I like sippin' champagne in a paper cup, cos I'm that kinda girl
I keep telling my Ubers drivers:

I saw you outside
Getting out your ride
A CLK 430, you've got style
As soon as I checked you out
A ladies man no doubt
From head to toe you're all style I like it

Looks like I have been banned from the App now. :(

IOU could have been a good song with the right production, the Bjork-lite minimalist casio instrumentation hasn't aged well and the less said about the cheesy-cringey back up singers the BETTER; plus I hated the live performances because she had adopted at that point an annoying whiny singing voice and audibly GASPED after each sentence, it was most irritating.

So it could have been a good song, if it was a different song. And she wasn't singing it?
So it could have been a good song, if it was a different song. And she wasn't singing it?

All I'm saying is, WE COULD HAVE HAD MUCH NICER THINGS if the stupid cow wasn't so HALF ARSED but alas, they weren't all musically gifted and talanted as MENLY or GERU :(
Oh I remember I used to like that one. Couldn't hum it for the life me right now though.
I've no notes regarding Midnight Fantasy. I admit it was a cute bop back in 2001 but it was never good, admittedly it was always "take what you can get" with Miss Beckham when it came to music cause there was no PASSION :eyes:
Have we done a definitive VB album rate?

I’ve been listening to it a fair amount lately and if you aren’t moved by ‘IOU’ or ‘Every Part Of Me’ then you are a MONSTER.
They were awful even back in the day when I was a loon.
they ask the same question for the 543rd time and she gives the exact same answer but, at this point I guess it's pure trolling since she's hardly gonna say she does want to get back together with the girls on a morning show rather than her socials. (ps, lovely pout vicky)

And they've highlighted above her top lip, which looks like the edge of a frayed thin pancake. I don't understand why they thought that was a good look. As a make-up/making things up expert, they shouldn't do that.
One lonely afternoon not so long ago I found myself watching STEPHS PACKED LUNCH and Mel B was guest presenting and said they are planning getting together in 2022 and it’ll be ALL FIVE! :eyes:
This is making the rounds on twitter

David Beckham opened up about dinner in the Beckham household—including the revelation that Victoria has eaten the same meal every day since he met her more than 25 years ago. “She only eats grilled fish, steamed vegetables; she will very rarely deviate from that,” he explains with a laugh. “The only time she’s probably ever shared something that’s been on my plate was actually when she was pregnant with Harper, and it was the most amazing thing… It was one of my favorite evenings. I can’t remember what it was but I know she’s not eaten it since!”

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