The Moopy Celebrity "Cancellation" Tracker

Bye Bye Peace GIF by Cappa Video Productions
Jesus, that live action Hey Arnold reboot is pure nightmare fuel.
That's got to be the most random thing of 2022.

I'm sure she has a solid stan base among the Republican Gays.
Well. There was no racism or transphobia, but there was a fair bit of old school casual misogyny plus he referred to one of his support acts having a “gay face”. So all just a bit shit really. He’s a tired old dinosaur.

I think we knew he was a bit shit. He did Celebrity Pointless with well known woman-beater Rod Liddle and he's chums with the appalling Julie Birchill too, although go back to the 70s.
I mean the poems are still good (aside from this apparently transphobic one that I haven't heard) and I guess with him being a "punk poet" I was hoping for the in-between bants to be something a bit more edgy than "instead of getting married, just find a woman you don't like and give her all your money"

OH WELL. LESSON LEARNT. At least I only had a 10 minute walk home.
Good. I feel like everyone’s known he’s a rapist/pedophile my whole life, so I’m glad he’s finally getting some punishment
Our Kelly will be out in a year, slap on the wrist no doubt.

Bluddy snowflakes.
What would they have said if justice had finally got to MJ.
The fact that he still fans never ceases to amaze me and people on my instagram still seem to think it's okay to post his records & stuff.
I mean I have to turn off comments (QUITE RIGHTLY SO OK) when I post a Morrissey or Smiths* record and yet those MJ fans think what he did was okay?

(* yes I un-cancelled him. I hate myself for it but there you go.)
Taylor Swift currently getting quite a bit of criticism for her truly insane private jet use:

Carbon/climate issues aside, how can she be using her jet THAT much? Is she taking it to the supermarket?
Hang on, it’s not yet August and she has spent a whole two weeks of the year in the air? :D
Popular celebrities have been given the pass for fucking decades. People love yelling "Tax the Rich!" until it comes to their favorite pop star. The it's "get money kween!!!"
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I think we knew it had gone very wrong after that Drag Race appearance "nans and the scientists". Then there was that highly artistic YouTube series from her humble multi million pound estate. She was never far from hugging a Tory.


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