Eurovision Hangover 2024 (1 Viewer)

UK Chart Impact

18.(NE) Nemo - The Code
36.(NE) Baby Lasagna - Rim Tim Tagi Dim
37.(NE) Joost - Europapa

48.(RE) Olly Alexander - Dizzy
67.(NE) Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue
100.(NE) Alyona Alyona - Teresa & Maria
You have to wonder how high he could've gone had he performed in the finals...
His disqualification might have given it a bit of a push as well, but I do think it could have been bigger had his performance been shown in the final. Still the most streamed song on Spotify and close to overtake La noia.
Are there many/any songs in Dutch that made it into the Top 40?
Ultimately I think it's probably much less in the terrain of bullying if putting an event on alienates most of the rest of their regular performing roster to the point where they decide to look elsewhere...

I obviously don’t agree with the venue or the soon-to-be former owners being targeted in this way - if this is ultimately about Palestine then use that energy to do something that will actually help Palestinians. I do think there is a point in what Penny says above though. Ultimately, there are a group of regular performers that thought the RVT as a venue shared their values, the RVT had shown them otherwise, and that has implications for their future relationship to that venue and therefore their career and income. They are probably also thinking about the fact that they themselves could come under fire in future if they continue to perform in the venue.

I sort of empathise with that in the sense that during my more melodramatic moments last weekend, I felt betrayed by the EBU’s decision to keep Israel in the contest this year, including selfishly in terms of how that reflects on the fans. I saw a quite a few people on social media talk in very negatively about Eurovision as a result of this year’s situation - but more often than not these people are usually casual “watch-the-final-each-year-and-then-forget-about-it” types who can hardly be described as making much of a sacrifice by boycotting.

The particular challenge for me is that this cohort represents quite a lot of my wider social circle - at least in terms of that i’ve seen people say online. There is no real recognition that fans like myself are probably the ones who were the most disappointed by it all and standing to lose the most from it. Eurovision is not just one of the things that keeps me going from year to year, but is also a massive source of community for me. To boycott Eurovision, especially if the expectation is to do that in the longer term, is to ask me to make my world a much lonelier place. Although I didn’t watch this year, I made a point of making clear to all of my superfan friends that this was a personal choice and I didn’t judge anyone who was watching or who had travelled to Malmö.

Unfortunately I think the ire and stigma directed towards Eurovision will remain, at least in the near future, and certainly as long as Israel are still competing... and it is hard because to be honest I agree with them in the sense I too want Israel out of the contest and honestly blame their government, broadcasters and the EBU for putting Eurovision fans in this position, but I think it is unfair to to stigmatise fans over something they have no control over (I’ve never judged Harry Potter fans, for example, because it isn’t their fault Joanne is a cunt). I also think the messages Kala describes getting are absolutely ludicrous - fans should always be able to organise things to enjoy and celebrate something they love. Surely they credit you with enough sense to not be dropping a pills and poppers mix of Hurricane!
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Separately... good grief, that is an absolutely terrible result for Olly to not even manage a single week in the top 40. Even besides being outpeaked by an entry most who watched never saw - considering the UK team went into this season with an avowed aim of securing a genuine UK (#1) hit, and considering they managed to bag Danny L Harle (and get a worse peak than most of his 'name in lights on the billboard' collaborations would probably manage in their opening week these days)...
Not going to lie - genuinely shocked to see the UK’s name involved here but good on them.
Well this adds up with the countries that the KAN commentators have been "happy to call out" for lack of a better term.
Bambie Thug, Nemo and Marina Satti unfollowed Baby Lasagna on instagram

the analysis
I mean, native speakers have said that it doesn’t come across as harsh in Croatian and he’s also been defending Nemo on TV as recently as this week, so I fear this is the younger generation of eurofans clamouring for drama where there is none in the off season :D I assume that Bulgarian Twitter account will tweet some veiled comment shortly so we can move on to the next phase of this part of the season
Wasn't sure which thread this belonged in, but the new Director of Eurovision role (ie. the position they've created for Martin Österdahl to answer to) has been filled and it's the producer of the Liverpool contest:

Eurovision 2024 (“the whole thing”) is listed on the BBC’s ‘flops of the year’ :bruised:

This year's Eurovision Song Contest was, frankly, a disaster from start to finish.

A row about Israel's participation prompted security concerns, put all the entrants in an awkward position and even led to the head of Eurovision being booed during the grand final.

Dutch singer Joost Klein was disqualified at the last minute due a backstage incident where a woman's video camera was knocked to the ground.

Winner Nemo even accidentally broke the Eurovision trophy after placing it on stage, leaving the Swiss entrant with bandages after sustaining deep cuts to the thumb.

Host city Malmo said they would refuse to stage the event again, if Sweden won, saying they wouldn't have the "strength and stamina".

And to top it all off, the UK languished in 18th place.
Song for song I think it was a decent enough year, and of course Petra is always an iconic host, but yeah all the stuff around it completely overshadowed the positive elements unfortunately.

Difficult to see how that goes away while Israel are still allowed to compete.
Martin wasn’t booed until the final, and after Joost’s disqualification, so I think saying he was booed because of Israel’s participation is a stretch at best.
I think by the final he was being booed for having the temerity to still turn up, and QUITE RIGHT TOO.
Didn’t get get booed at JESC this year also? I am surprised he hasn’t gone.
I would be mildly surprised if he was featured as prominently as usual next year. Whatever the reason the booing started, I think he’s going to be a lightning rod for it now.

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