Lady Gaga - Stupid Love


Oct 27, 2007
let's have separate threads for album and single.

the art direction is a total serve
the art for this so far is leaving BREATHLESS
reminds me of those awful HEAVY METAL 90's movies made for adults who liked cartoon BOOBIES :disco: crossed with a gay He-Man alternate Universe
the video is such a big stupid delight :disco:

I love the choreo! the song... is nice enough but there's no getting around that damp squib non-chorus sadly. but at least she's having fun.
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That bad green screen really is not very good! What happened to her video budget then?

Song ain't bad though.
Shot entirely on an iPhone apparently.

She wants just to be Zandra Rhodes. Su Pollard and Madge getting a break then, unless this is her tears of a Clown bid.

Anyway, I like the song a lot and numb sensation overrides chorus here.
I'm not sure what to make of this, the song is catchy but it feels like she's REGRESSING.
I'm not sure what to make of this, the song is catchy but it feels like she's REGRESSING.
This. Doing 2011 pop after fucking Shallow is such a step back. I don't get it. The song is fine, the video is pleasant. But where is the progress?

On the flip side you gotta appreciate the dedication to dance pop.
In an ideal world, she'd actually be releasing the Joanna album now, given that quite a lot of it was pop, but with some country rock tinges. It's more of a mixture of her own pop and the A Star Is Born material. So yeah, I definitely understand the "regressing" accusations.
She can’t win. When she did country album everyone moaned they wanted dance pop. Now she’s back on dance pop they’re moaning there’s no development...

Having said that, the song ain’t no Poker Face or Bad Romance is it? It’s fine, but for a lead single it stands out even less than ‘Perfect Illusion’ did.
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The fact that MAX MARTIN had a hand in this song when there's TUMBLEWEED instead of a chorus.
After several listens, the hooks on this are insane. Even the supposed non chorus becomes an earworm. This is going to huge. I wouldnt be surpised to see it go straight to number 1 next week.
After several listens, the hooks on this are insane. Even the supposed non chorus becomes an earworm. This is going to huge. I wouldnt be surpised to see it go straight to number 1 next week.
:D bitch please, this song will be brushed under the rug within 4 weeks (and I like it). I predict a top 25 debut and peak on the Hot 100.
Well it's infinitely better than "Perfect Illusion" but it's not like that was HARD
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The chorus really does ruin it doesn't it? I was so ready to fan out.

This CANNOT be another Artpop. She can't do that to us!
Well it's infinitely better than "Perfect Illusion" but it's not like that was HARD

perfect illusion was let down mainly by her atrocious singing. this one is just very slight.

and i don't understand why she keeps dressing in such unflattering outfits and shoes.

also, orange is not a river in africa.
I’ve bothered to listen to it now and actually it’s more than acceptable although that verse sounds suspiciously like something she’s done before and it’s not very NOW. Mind you, who wants NOW ANYWAY?
The choreography is hilarious, which I assume is on purpose.

Has she said any dissertations about the rest of the album yet? Pot noodle pop suits her.
"Kindness and spunk" would be a good grindr headline to respond back to those silly insincere hashtags I'm seeing on too many profiles.
Going back to dance pop is exactly what I wanted her to be doing, but like, I wanted her to be going back to GOOD dance pop.
The backing track it's surely just sampled from DWUW or Born This Way. Its familiarity is just too suspicious
are we back to 2011 cause FUCK ME I love it :disco:

give me your BB Pin babes, let's talk all things Gaga while we moan about school
It doesn’t really get anywhere. I was waiting for the moment when it all explodes and makes you want to dance to it, but then the song was over and nothing really happened.
Thanks for nothing, Gaga.
I think they put more effort on the colours of the video or the font for the song title than the song itself.
It feels a bit Perfect Illusion to me- a safe choice no one really needs
Maybe I'm just starved of old school pop as I'm sure I'd have torn this to shreds in 2011, but I quite like it too.
It is hilariously cheap though, considering the woman just won an Oscar. It looks like a NANNE GRÖNVALL video!

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