What are you gaming? 2021 (1 Viewer)

I’m about 70% through. It is good but it just reminds me how much the gameplay is secondary to the story.
Yeah, I’m feeling that. It’s nowhere near as bad as Kingdom Hearts 3, where walking two steps forward rewards you with a half an hour cutscene, but it does feel like the action isn’t as important.
It's not meant to be a game, but am playing with the HomeByMe platform which is more like a planning and decorating service.
First used it prior to my house been built and it helped me a lot, the only problem is that for the best features such as some extremely cool photorealistic renderings you have to pay. Now am just using it as a game, making imaginary homes, decorate, take their photos and then delete them and start new ones.
I've got OBSESSED with the Yakuza series recently.
As a life long SHENMUE QUEEN it was an obvious next step, and Yakuza 0 may well be one of the best games on an emotional level I've ever played :disco: Technically a little dated but WHO CARES!

Majima has to be one of my favourite video game characters of all time. I love him SO MUCH. And that he seems to be canonically bisexual ONLY for Kiryu-Chan just makes the entire experience even HOTTER! Every game I've played is horrifically misogynistic though which I just have to set aside my morals and IGNORE.

Anyway: Majima, probably the only video game character ever I'd be QUITE INTO somebody cosplaying as for a FUCK!



I've recently lost my life again to FFXIV, getting everything in order for the next expansion next month. I forgot how all encompassing MMOs can become.
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I finally got my paws on a PS5. I am playing Far Cry 6 and it's every bit as unnecessary as you'd think

I saw that there's a new chapter out for The Long Dark though so I might get all anxious and stressed out with that
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That's always a worry, it keeps piling on the upgrades and abilities but I'm not finding it overwhelming (yet :eyes:).
Just remember you’re meant to die, so don’t get discouraged. After a few runs you will understand the bosses better, find your favorite weapon and the story is very enjoyable.

I'm slowly getting into this although I assume I'm terrible at it. I've only made it past two bosses so far :D

It does make me TENSE all the time I'm playing it though, so it's not exactly a fun old time. I might jump back into Yakuza 2 for a bit of light relief.
I'm re-visiting Fallout 3. what a game, and I don't seem to remember half of it so it's even more enjoyable. it really puts Fallout 4 to shame
Having a bit of a game sort out today. Redownloading Vampyr as I really did enjoy that, just one boss I got totally stuck on.

Call of Duty: Black Ops I tried then deleted, not a clue what was going on and then some french kids were shouting out of my screen. No thanks!

Then I tried [edit game name here] and exactly the same. No tutorial, no clue. Everyone dropped out and I was running around by myself for ages before I realised.

I played Stranded Deep and that's much more my sort of thing. Not sure how I'll stick with it but I enjoy the premise, and that sort of Sims-style gameplay where you can take your time suits me much better.

Before all this I've been playing Outer Worlds. Beautiful setting but there's a bit TOO MUCH happening and I think I'm too lost to really enjoy it. Think that's another one for the scrapheap unfortunately!
Stupidly bought Dark Souls 3 after getting excited by the Elden Ring trailer. I feel like the stupidest bitch alive, I can't get past the first fucking boss :D
I'm really enjoying Halo Infinite, almost as much as I did as a teenager playing Halo 3. I don't normally like shooters but this is just fun.
I'm playing too :D It's fun, actually I'm having a lot of fun with my Series X lately.

Playing Halo Infinite, Forza Horizon 5 and started playing Fire Emblem Fates on 3DS.
Not exactly a game, but I was doing the Radiohead KID A MNESIA thing on the PS5 at the weekend and it's really quite incredible. The
How To Disappear Completely/Pyramid Song/You And Whose Army
sequence is one of the most amazing experiences I've had with any interactive entertainment, ever.
I've started Vandal Hearts which is one of the last "big" PSX SRPGs that I had not yet played. It's... a bit CRANKY and a lot more straightforward than FFT or even Shining Force III which are I guess its points of comparison, but I could really be playing this sort of game until the end of time.

Also, I got wiped out twice on the third battle which makes me think I'm going to get off AUTOPILOT often, so that's great.
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The new FFXIV expansion, Endwalker, starts early access in an hour, and I am about to lose my life to it for the foreseeable future.

They've changed summoners from summoning this:

to summoning this:


I've already been warned not to bother him for the next fortnight or so :(
I will say though, as someone who can't get on with FFXIV (I've tried - MMOs just aren't my thing) I have been quite obsessed with the visuals and particularly the MUSIC in the trailer for this expansion:

That female vox bit that starts about three and a half minutes in! :disco:
Wasn't quite sure where to post this... am wondering about getting a Hitman game but I've never played it before. Do I go straight to 3 as the most recent, or is it better to start at 1?
Wasn't quite sure where to post this... am wondering about getting a Hitman game but I've never played it before. Do I go straight to 3 as the most recent, or is it better to start at 1?
That's funny, I've literally just started playing 2 as it was on PS Plus recently.

I'm not sold yet. Nice gameplay, but a bit frustratingly difficult. It's also one of those games that presents you a million options when you start like CAREER MODE, FREEPLAY MODE, ARENA MODE and which puts me off because I don't know how to just play the game. :manson:
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Wasn't quite sure where to post this... am wondering about getting a Hitman game but I've never played it before. Do I go straight to 3 as the most recent, or is it better to start at 1?
Oh, there's something about this - @BlitzenGiraffe🎄 explained it to me once, so hopefully he can do it again, it's something like Hitman 3 includes all the stuff from the first two games, or SOMETHING?
Oh, there's something about this - @BlitzenGiraffe🎄 explained it to me once, so hopefully he can do it again, it's something like Hitman 3 includes all the stuff from the first two games, or SOMETHING?
Yeah, I'm fairly sure my Hitman 2 does as well. Yet another MODE that I don't really get.

These games need a "click here" tutorial for when you first load it. I find busy screens really off-putting.
If you already own Hitman 1 and/or 2, you can for free bring those levels into Hitman 3 to play with slightly better graphics. I think I read that it is possible to do it even without buying 3, but I am not sure.

In terms of which is the best gameplay wise, I would Say 1 > 3 > 2.
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If you already own Hitman 1 and/or 2, you can for free bring those levels into Hitman 3 to play with slightly better graphics. I think I read that it is possible to do it even without buying 3, but I am not sure.

In terms of which is the best gameplay wise, I would Say 1 > 3 > 2.
Ill have to check. Maybe I have the modes but can't actually do anything with them. I'm just so unsure :cry:
I've been playing a... MOBILE GAME :shock: Which really isn't like me. It's called Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space, and it's a free to play singleplayer JRPG that is heavily inspired by games from the SNES/PS1 era (particularly Chrono Trigger - it even has the same writer). There are 'gacha' elements to get additional characters which is where spending real money comes in (and why I generally don't bother with this style of game), but unlike a lot of mobile games it's completely optional and you can apparently go through the whole thing with the characters you get as part of the story. It's all very CUTE and I'm enjoying it so far, we'll see if I stick with it :eyes:
I've been playing a... MOBILE GAME :shock: Which really isn't like me. It's called Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space, and it's a free to play singleplayer JRPG that is heavily inspired by games from the SNES/PS1 era (particularly Chrono Trigger - it even has the same writer). There are 'gacha' elements to get additional characters which is where spending real money comes in (and why I generally don't bother with this style of game), but unlike a lot of mobile games it's completely optional and you can apparently go through the whole thing with the characters you get as part of the story. It's all very CUTE and I'm enjoying it so far, we'll see if I stick with it :eyes:
Oh COB not Spice Girls: Coinmaster :(
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It's the end of the year so my GAMES I'VE PLAYED RATINGS list will be coming up soon. Looking back, some games I've spent HOURS with weren't all that, but others have REMAINED lodged in my head since.
Just started Devil May Cry 5 and loving it so far. I’m intermittently having a bash on Nickelodeon All Star Brawl because kicking fuck out of SpongeBob with Nigel Thornberry is pleasure you can’t measure.

Gonna have a crack at Evil Genius 2 tonight as well :disco:
Just started Devil May Cry 5 and loving it so far. I’m intermittently having a bash on Nickelodeon All Star Brawl because kicking fuck out of SpongeBob with Nigel Thornberry is pleasure you can’t measure.

Gonna have a crack at Evil Genius 2 tonight as well :disco:
I need to get back to DMC5, I was enjoying it but then there is one character whose levels are AWFUL (you'll see soon if you haven't already) and it really sucked the motivation out of me
I need to get back to DMC5, I was enjoying it but then there is one character whose levels are AWFUL (you'll see soon if you haven't already) and it really sucked the motivation out of me
Oh God, it's not as shit as that interminable bit of Final Fantasy XV when you're going up the tower, is it?
I've started playing the Guardians of the Galaxy game, which I'm not very far into but it seems fun so far. Funnily enough the combat sort of reminds me a bit of FFXV, as it's all geared around issuing orders to your teammates and setting up combos and team-up attacks and whatnot.
That looked good, I plan on getting it soon.

I finished Tales of Arise which was very generic. Got Nioh 2, which is more of the same but it’s really fun.

Also because of Arcane started playing League of Legends: Wild Rift on my iPad which is quite fun once you get used to the controls and the games don’t last as long as the og game.
I just spent all morning changing the dead batteries in 6 of my oldest Mega Drive games so they will last me for another 20 years :disco:

*dies tomorrow*
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