Emma Thompson's mum, Mrs Warboys from One Foot In The Grave, nuns (including one who lisps), Alzheimers, broken marriages and jokes about BBC talent shows.
You should see her making her GIRDLEBUSTER PIE. I kid you not. There's a picture of it in the book. Obscene and amazing all at the same time. I can't wait to make it.
And yes it was FM Forums. I used to post a tiny bit on there back when I was about FOURTEEN or something. It was all about perving on the celebrity pictures or laughing at the agony forums though...
I don't get how you can always tell it's me on the forums. I recall you spotting me on another forum as well. And I don't think there were any clues to it being me.
Hello G-Boy i think having the most boring weekend of all time has meant that my brain has had a big rest and now i can kick ass with fab Auschwitz jokes! I'm going to take it to the stage and tour the country!
Oh well, it makes a nice change to be the stalkee for ONCE